Suid-Afrikaanse wetenskaplikes op pandemie se frontlinie (Financial Times. Londen, 15 Februarie 2021).
Decision to halt AstraZeneca roll-out highlights vital role played by country’s experts. Scientists are concerned the South Africa coronavirus strain could be far more widespread in the UK than test results show, threatening plans to start lifting lockdown once vaccines have been deployed. South Africa’s pause of its rollout of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine in response […]
Sorg vir jou rypbeskadigde bome
With the rapid expansion of the macadamia industry into sometimes more marginal areas, this year’s winter has proven to be rather challenging for most macadamia growers. Not only have growers reported a large number of small trees dying but there have also been some reports on the death of mature macadamia trees. Macadamias, being subtropical […]
Hoe ‘n Barberton-boer Macadamia-diewe op heterdaad betrap het
How one Barberton farmer stalked a gang of nut thieves over three months until he caught them red-handed and made an arrest for theft – with cunning and a shotgun. To protect his identity we will call this hero farmer “Tom” and refer to the arrested thief as “Jerry”. Tom farms a hundred plus hectares […]
Ekonomiese Aanwysers – Waldo Kruggel
Hierdie jaar het met positiewe ekonomiese vooruitsigte begin. Die verwagting was dat die wêreldekonomie teen 4,9% sou groei en mense asook produkte weer oor grense sal stroom. Daar was al inflasiedruk, wat veroorsaak is deur Covid-19 inperkings wat bottelnekke in voorsieningskettings tot gevolg gehad het asook verskepingskoste wat gestyg het, maar die debat het gedraai […]