Bark Borers and their Kin in Macadamias

by Schalk Schoeman, Rersearch Extension Manager, SAMAC The polyphagous shot hole borer was positively identified on macadamias in the South Coast during March this year. Various bark borer species were observed on macadamias since 2014 and their incidence has been increasing every year since then. This situation is not unique and other countries with subtropical […]

Die oprig van ‘n boord vir sukses – Deel 2: Grondvoorbereiding

In the first part one of this series of articles we have focused on the identification and selection of good quality trees, which in my opinion is one of the most critical steps in macadamia farming. Placing an order for tree should, in all cases, precede the land preparation phase of setting up a new […]

Byeboerdery en die uitdagings wat die bedryf in die gesig staar: Deel twee

The Effect of Pesticide and Fungicide Application on Apis mellifera (honey bees) In the previous article we looked at one of the challenges that face beekeepers in South Africa which is theft and vandalism of their bee hives. The second and very serious challenge that beekeepers face is directly related to the farming practices of […]

Bloesemroes op Macadamia

The summer rains came early this season but the rain also brought a reason for great concern for the macadamia growers in the form of possible flower diseases.  Flowering this season was extremely good, but the rain came at a time when many flowers were only a few days (5-10 days) past the full bloom […]

Sorg vir jou rypbeskadigde bome

With the rapid expansion of the macadamia industry into sometimes more marginal areas, this year’s winter has proven to be rather challenging for most macadamia growers. Not only have growers reported a large number of small trees dying but there have also been some reports on the death of mature macadamia trees. Macadamias, being subtropical […]

Besproeiing en waterbestuur tydens blom

Macadamias, and many other fruit trees tend to flower in spring, a season which is characterized by moderate temperatures, varying degrees of wind and more often than not a significant lack in rainfall.  Not only is rain scarce during spring, it is also the driest part of the year considering that rain during winter is […]